Fragments Of Yearning
Some moments linger in us,
buried in time but molded the eternity.
The dusty echoes from the past,
yet are vividly unraveled.
The irreplaceable momentary fragments of being human.
01.In-Between 02:40
02.You Are Made Of Light 06:53
03.Passage 03:35
04.Don‘t Worry, We Will Vanish Soon 06:11
05.Far Away From The Dawn 05:14
06.Prism 04:56
07.Till It All Falls Down 06:30
08.Rising Tide 04:33
09.Untold 03:46
10.The Man Who Lived In The Mirror 04:04
11.Broken Windows, Shimmering Waves 04:45
Released 17 September 2021
Composed, performed and produced by Arash Akbari
Artwork by Arash Akbari
Mastered By Lawrence English at Negative Space
Published by Karl Records
2021 All Rights Reserved
Album on BandCamp
"The audiovisual works of Tehran based new media artist Arash Akbari glisten and flow with an almost sentient luminescence.On his new cassette from Berlin's Karlrecords label, soft-edged digital pads coalesce into fluid forms that cast portentous shadows before dissolving like sandcastles at high tide." Wire Magazine
"..., there’s something beautifully rarified, eternally timeless about Akbar’s work that says it without saying it and humbly takes us there with minimal fuss or spectacle." Boomkat
"TDe Iraanse ‘new media’-kunstenaar Arash Akbari bouwt uit field recordings, geluidsexperimenten, manipulatie en dergelijke een immens innemend geluid waarbij verlangen, herinneringen en menselijkheid centraal staan. ‘Fragments of Yearning’ hult zich in een, desondanks, allesomvattende dystopische somberte waar hoop niet meteen staat te glunderen. ‘Till It All Falls Down’ zegt genoeg. Absolute jouw plaat als je van de duisternis houdt." Gonzo circus
"Die sonischen Gebinde, die der Iraner Arash Akbari auf Fragments of Yearning (Karlrecords, 17. September) knüpft, nutzen, ähnlich denen Iwakis, das feinste Garn, das der elektronischen Produktion zur Verfügung steht. Im Gegensatz zur analogen Vintage-Technik von Iwaki bedient sich Akbari digitaler Mittel, um bei extrem dichten und vor Details satten Sounds anzukommen. Eine tiefe, immersive Qualität ist beiden Arbeiten gemein." Groove Magazine
"Arash Akbari sculpte une matière à la malléabilité liquide, coulant entre des flots de nappes réchauffées par le souffle de machines recouvertes de chair. Les pulsations venteuses caressent nos émotions, balayant hors du temps, le cycle d’ères gommées par l’usure de saisons oubliées. Fascinant." Silence And Sound
"..., I brani di Fragments Of Yeaming risultano estremamente compositi per tematiche e sensazioni evocate, in coerenza con la pluralità di elementi e tecniche impiegate per combinare field recordings e strumenti acustici con manipolazioni sintetiche e fluide correnti di rumore liquido." Rockerilla Magazine
"..., The melancholic music is a reminder that life may be ephemeral, but matter is eternal. " A Closer Listen
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